The complex includes the Cave Cave Jatijajar Jatijajar, Dempok Cave, and Cave Intan. This area is located approximately 250 m above sea level. Pergunaan system develops in the presence of fossils such as Lepidocylina sumatrensis Brady, L. Tan and Cycloclypeus elegans annulatus Martin apart show also at the same age rocks distinguish native environment, ie a shallow sea that has a maximum depth of 60 m.
Approximately 14-11 million years ago this area was still a shallow marine exposure, which is then lifted up to the altitude now due to the dynamic nature of the earth. The absence of other sediment that covered a layer of limestone in the area south Gombong indicate if since 10 million years ago this area was above sea level. Calculated from the time span of less than 10 million years there has been lifting height of more than 300 m. The appointment caused rocks and tersesarkan terkekarkan. High rainfall karstifikasi accelerate the process, forming Kars as seen now.
Symptoms endokars mouth of the cave which has a curved berbangun height and width. On the right wall of the entrance to the rest of the sediment revealed a fossil-rich cave sediments mollusks. Some species grastropoda and pelecypoda well preserved in layers of dark brown clay Pasiran. This fossilized sediments can be correlated with similar sediments exposed at the entrance to Diamond Cave. Sediman inside the cave were also revealed in the rest of the old canopy, a few yards from the entrance. Pelecypoda flat shells in sediments are arranged in a natural cave to the north parallel to the direction of the main hall entrance of the cave, which is north-south. The roof and walls of the entrance to the cave filled by writing the names of visitors. Gravity of the oldest dated 1805.
Kanopy formation near the entrance to Cave Jatijajar indicate the presence of underground rivers that had been active a few hundred thousand years ago. Removal process causes the river to be dry, because the water looking for the local ground water surface is lower lying. Underground river that is still active in the Cave Jatijajar revealed through some spring, which is located between 1-3 m below the main fossil hall.

Kantil Spring and Spring Roses are pools of underground river which opened to the public. Two others that spring Puserbumi Jombor and tourists can not enter the public, unless he got permission from the manager of the tourist area. In the spring, Spring Puserbumi an upright sinks about 50 cm in diameter. While Spring Jombor inhabited a pelus along more than 1 m has a siphon at the bottom. Siphons can be traced by the method of diving (cave diving). Various re-formed by the deposition of CaCO3 saturated solution of the beautiful and enchanting caves found in the alley behind the chiffon. Caves along the hallway decorated with rows of hundreds of meters gurdam and waterfalls. Lorong Jatijajar cave cave below was prepared to be the object of special interest tours. To enter the spring inside the cave Jatijajar sacred and used as a place of pilgrimage.
The holes in the bottom of the cave near the entrance is a trace of phosphate mining guano. Ornaments caves (stalactites, stalagmite, pillar, Flowstone) generally is not active, although in some places there are water droplets and leleran through the ends of the stalactites. A hole in the roof of the cave as high as 24 m from the bottom of the cave, not far from the large pillars that are still active berbangun rounded, revealing the history of cave discovery in 1802 by Djayamenawi, Farmer was plunged into the cave through the existing holes on the surface, and after soil covering he cleaned the hallway to find the entrance, which is the mouth of the cave now.
Cave Jatijajar hallway along 250 m, with width and height of an average of 15-25 m, can be easily accessible to tourists. Starting in 1975, placed along the corridor cave 32 statues that tell the legend of Raden Kamandaka. Cave Outside Cave describes kepurbaan Jatijajar.Kamandaka originally named Raden Many Contro is heir apparent Pajajaran Kingdom. Central government or Galuh Pasirluhur East in the 14th century roughly around Baturaden (purwokerto), on the slopes of Mount Slamet. Prabu Siliwangi Pajajaran king at that time has two consorts. From the first consort, King Siliwangi berputra 2 persons namely Lots and Lots Ngampar Contro. Since the first empress died, King Siliwangi lift second empress, goddess Kumudaningsih. Previous Goddess Kumudaningsih give conditions would become empress if her son could one day become king, replacing King Siliwangi. From this second consort and Goddess terturunkan Many Blabur Pamungkas.
King Siliwangi who are elderly plans raised his eldest son, Many Contro, to replace him. The request was rejected by many Contro, claiming he was not ready and not have a companion. He would only marry a woman similar to his late mother. For that he wandered into the mountains Tangkuban Perahu, see Ki Festive Wirangrong. By the old man he was told to wander to the east, toward the Duchy Sand Luhur. In order ideals married a beautiful woman like her mother answered, he had to undress as the son of the king becomes an ordinary person. Many subsequent Contro disguised as ordinary people, and renamed Kamandaka.
After arriving in the Sand Luhur he met with the duke of the Duchy of Sand Luhur Reksono who make it their adopted child. Kandandoho duke, ruler of the Duchy of Sand Luhur, had several daughters who all of them are married except the youngest daughter Dewi Ciptoroso. Sand's daughter's face and appearance is similar to Mother Luhur Kamandaka. Kamandaka managed to captivate Goddess Ciptoroso. Suaru But at a time when they were both in the garden of a warrior princess caught her duchy. Kamandaka attacked the soldiers, who thought him as a thief. Because of his power he can escape. But before he could say his identity, namely Kamandaka Patih Reksonoto son. Duke duke of Sand Luhur wrath, calling Patih Reksonoto to arrest and surrender kepadanya.Kamandaka Kamandaka who fled by jumping into the river was reported by the duke of Reksonoto dead, washed away in torrential river currents carry. Once away from the Sand Luhur, Kamandaka went ashore to walk towards a village. In the village he met a poor widow Paniagih Kertosoro Mbok. Kamandaka subsequently appointed as his son.
Mbok Kertosoro have a rooster named Mercu, treated well by Kamandaka. Everywhere he went with the other chickens. Crow always win, so that eventually Kamandaka known as penyabung chicken is superb. The news reached the Duchy Sand Luhur. Duke Kandandoho very angry to hear Kamandaka still alive. He ordered his soldiers to capture Kamandaka. At the same time, suddenly appeared Silihwarni. Silihwarni who offered himself a servant in the Sand Luhur Kandandoho received by the Duke, the origin can kill Kamandaka.
Silihwarni is actually a lot Ngampar, the younger brother Kamandaka. He was given the job of his father King Siliwangi looking for his sister. To maintain safety on the journey, many equipped Ngampar royal arms, Cleaver Pamungkas. Not knowing if Kamandaka was his brother who sought Silihwarni go along with a troop of soldiers Sand Luhur.
Silihwarni finally reached the village of Paniagih, met with Kamandaka fought and challenged chickens. When the rooster each fight, stabbing Silihwarni Kamandaka being careless with heirloom Kujang Pamungkas. Kamandaka severely injured, but he can escape. The place where Kamandaka can escape from the cordon of soldiers and Silihwarni Sand Luhur now called Village Brobosan (mbrobos = escape). When Kamandaka resting somewhere, blood was oozing from the wound in the stomach. Iru place later named Village Bancaran (Bancar = heavy). Sand Luhur Silihwarni with soldiers continued to chase, aided by sniffer dogs. A dog can be killed by Kamandaka somewhere, the next village was named Coral Dogs. Kamandaka continued to flee eastward, and reached the end of the road buntuk (hereinafter the place called the Village andes).
After running far enough Kamandaka finally came to a cave. He was hiding in it. Silihwarni who lost their trail, he screamed so challenging Kamandaka out from his hiding place. Kamandaka replied that actually he was crown prince Pajajaran Many Contro. Silihwarni surprised to hear that answer and he said if actual = (sejatine) He is also the son of King Siliwangi, Many Ngampar. Both realized that they were brothers.
Next Kamandaka meditated in the cave and got the hint that his intention Goddess Ciptoroso gain would be achieved if he is dressed in monkey (monkey) In a hint that he was required to stay at Forest Baturagung, southwestern Baturaden. In the woods it Kamandaka already turned into apes met Ciptoroso Goddess, who was then followed his father the Duke of Kandandoho hunting. Apes are benign incarnation of Goddess Kamandaka Ciptoroso immediately attracted attention, which according to it when arrested and taken to the Sand Luhur. Arriving at the Sand Luhur monkeys will not eat anything, so the Duke Kandandoho meninmbulkan concerns. He made the contest, who can feed the monkeys that he is entitled to maintain it. Many people try but always fail, unless the Goddess Ciptoroso. In accordance with the competition then the apes and even then maintained by the youngest daughter and named Sand Luhur Kasarung monkey. At night it turned into apes the original, namely Kamandaka. Moderate daytime again transformed into apes. it is known only by the Goddess Ciptoroso.
Narrated later, Pule Discuss King of Nusa Kambangan want to marry Dewi Ciptoroso, and sent his kingdom to ask for her hand. If the desire was not granted he would destroy the Duchy Sand Luhur. On the advice of Javan Kasarung, Goddess Ciptoroso meet his father and said if he was willing to be the wife of King Pule Discuss the origin of the submission requirements will be met. One requirement is the Goddess Ciptoroso allowed to bring Javan Kasarung met at a wedding. Pule Discuss King immediately agreed.
Wedding ceremony occurred when the monkey Kasarung always disruptive, causing annoyance King Pule Discuss. Pule Discuss King hit him and both of them fighting. Nusakambangan king finally died, bitten by a monkey Kasarung. The death of the king to change the original intentions Javan Kasarung, namely Kamandaka. After describing its origin, Kamandaka Ciptoroso finally mated with the Goddess. The news finally reached the kingdom Pajajaran. Intention to make Kamandaka Siliwangi King as the king did not happen. Because abstinence for someone who has been exposed to the royal heirloom to be king Pajajaran Kujang Pamungkas. Finally Kamandaka or Many Clark became duke in the Sand Luhur, replacing father Ciptoroso Goddess. Many are being replaced Blabur siliwangi King became king in Pajajaran.
Springs or spring contained in Jatijajar cave believed to have certain properties, so sacred. Spring Water Jombor Puserbumi and reputedly can be used as a means to achieve certain purposes. Spring water is being Rose and kantil if to wash your face in addition to being young also are hoping to achieve what it wanted.
The trust that is spoken by generations of this entrenched at the heartstrings Kebumen and surrounding communities, sehigga on certain days according to the Javanese calendar is crowded with pilgrims place, especially at night.
Segments along the corridor cave 50 m from the entrance is a natural formation of an underground river activity in the past. Local, roof and walls of caves decorated with stalactites and Flowstone. Hole in the roof of the cave that penetrate to the surface (AVENT) function as natural ventilation, so the air inside the cave remains fresh. The passageway is further associated with an artificial cave, a former limestone mine.
Cave Dempok length not more than 100 m, and be unique because it is a combination of natural caves and artificial cave. Dempok name taken from a limestone mining land owners. remnants of the triumph of industrial calcium oxide in the past tobong immortalized in the form of burning limestone, not far from the entrance to Cave Dempok.
Cave Dempok length not more than 100 m, and be unique because it is a combination of natural caves and artificial cave. Dempok name taken from a limestone mining land owners. remnants of the triumph of industrial calcium oxide in the past tobong immortalized in the form of burning limestone, not far from the entrance to Cave Dempok.
Symptoms endokars fossil is a natural cave filled with ornaments that are still active. The hallways inside the Cave of Diamond in the trending north-south and east-west genesanya associated with dissolution along the cracks of existing structures.
A stalactite on the wall right of the entrance is covered by sediments of sand lempungan brownish red. Sediments contain fossil mollusks, so that its presence will uncover the history of cave formation. Terrestrial mollusks are animals that live around the cave. When rain water into the cave, the animals were transported into the cave together with sand and clay sediments. When flooding inundated entire cave passage, and a stalactite located 3 m from the bottom of the cave is covered by sediments. This fossil collection Plistosen-Resen-old, so the Diamond Cave has existed since at least 1 million years ago.
A large dome measuring 30 X 40 m and a maximum height of 20 m can be achieved by passing through a narrow hole as wide as 1 m. domed roof adorned by stalactites maximum size of 1 m. AVENT dome on the roof of a function as natural ventilation. A group which together with the stalagmite stalactite help pillars or columns as high as several feet beautiful. Ornaments cave in this section are generally still active.
To the right of the first room there is a second room is composed by limestone-lined, with a natural bridge that connects the right and left walls of the room. This bridge is a residual layer of limestone are soluble. Medium soft limestone layer at the base of the bridge has been largely depleted, eroded by underground streams that had been active in the past. The second room measuring 20 X 40 m and a height of 15 m ended in a narrow hole that is covered by sediments of the cave. small hollows in the roof of the cave filled with bats. The lack of ventilation in the room caused the air inside the cave a little hot and stuffy. Fermentation allows the formation of CO2 bat droppings and odors.
The holes in the bottom of the cave near the entrance is a trace of phosphate mining guano. Ornaments caves (stalactites, stalagmite, pillar, Flowstone) generally is not active, although in some places there are water droplets and leleran through the ends of the stalactites. A hole in the roof of the cave as high as 24 m from the bottom of the cave, not far from the large pillars that are still active berbangun rounded, revealing the history of cave discovery in 1802 by Djayamenawi, Farmer was plunged into the cave through the existing holes on the surface, and after soil covering he cleaned the hallway to find the entrance, which is the mouth of the cave now.
Cave Jatijajar hallway along 250 m, with width and height of an average of 15-25 m, can be easily accessible to tourists. Starting in 1975, placed along the corridor cave 32 statues that tell the legend of Raden Kamandaka. Cave Outside Cave describes kepurbaan Jatijajar.Kamandaka originally named Raden Many Contro is heir apparent Pajajaran Kingdom. Central government or Galuh Pasirluhur East in the 14th century roughly around Baturaden (purwokerto), on the slopes of Mount Slamet. Prabu Siliwangi Pajajaran king at that time has two consorts. From the first consort, King Siliwangi berputra 2 persons namely Lots and Lots Ngampar Contro. Since the first empress died, King Siliwangi lift second empress, goddess Kumudaningsih. Previous Goddess Kumudaningsih give conditions would become empress if her son could one day become king, replacing King Siliwangi. From this second consort and Goddess terturunkan Many Blabur Pamungkas.

After arriving in the Sand Luhur he met with the duke of the Duchy of Sand Luhur Reksono who make it their adopted child. Kandandoho duke, ruler of the Duchy of Sand Luhur, had several daughters who all of them are married except the youngest daughter Dewi Ciptoroso. Sand's daughter's face and appearance is similar to Mother Luhur Kamandaka. Kamandaka managed to captivate Goddess Ciptoroso. Suaru But at a time when they were both in the garden of a warrior princess caught her duchy. Kamandaka attacked the soldiers, who thought him as a thief. Because of his power he can escape. But before he could say his identity, namely Kamandaka Patih Reksonoto son. Duke duke of Sand Luhur wrath, calling Patih Reksonoto to arrest and surrender kepadanya.Kamandaka Kamandaka who fled by jumping into the river was reported by the duke of Reksonoto dead, washed away in torrential river currents carry. Once away from the Sand Luhur, Kamandaka went ashore to walk towards a village. In the village he met a poor widow Paniagih Kertosoro Mbok. Kamandaka subsequently appointed as his son.
Mbok Kertosoro have a rooster named Mercu, treated well by Kamandaka. Everywhere he went with the other chickens. Crow always win, so that eventually Kamandaka known as penyabung chicken is superb. The news reached the Duchy Sand Luhur. Duke Kandandoho very angry to hear Kamandaka still alive. He ordered his soldiers to capture Kamandaka. At the same time, suddenly appeared Silihwarni. Silihwarni who offered himself a servant in the Sand Luhur Kandandoho received by the Duke, the origin can kill Kamandaka.
Silihwarni is actually a lot Ngampar, the younger brother Kamandaka. He was given the job of his father King Siliwangi looking for his sister. To maintain safety on the journey, many equipped Ngampar royal arms, Cleaver Pamungkas. Not knowing if Kamandaka was his brother who sought Silihwarni go along with a troop of soldiers Sand Luhur.

After running far enough Kamandaka finally came to a cave. He was hiding in it. Silihwarni who lost their trail, he screamed so challenging Kamandaka out from his hiding place. Kamandaka replied that actually he was crown prince Pajajaran Many Contro. Silihwarni surprised to hear that answer and he said if actual = (sejatine) He is also the son of King Siliwangi, Many Ngampar. Both realized that they were brothers.
Next Kamandaka meditated in the cave and got the hint that his intention Goddess Ciptoroso gain would be achieved if he is dressed in monkey (monkey) In a hint that he was required to stay at Forest Baturagung, southwestern Baturaden. In the woods it Kamandaka already turned into apes met Ciptoroso Goddess, who was then followed his father the Duke of Kandandoho hunting. Apes are benign incarnation of Goddess Kamandaka Ciptoroso immediately attracted attention, which according to it when arrested and taken to the Sand Luhur. Arriving at the Sand Luhur monkeys will not eat anything, so the Duke Kandandoho meninmbulkan concerns. He made the contest, who can feed the monkeys that he is entitled to maintain it. Many people try but always fail, unless the Goddess Ciptoroso. In accordance with the competition then the apes and even then maintained by the youngest daughter and named Sand Luhur Kasarung monkey. At night it turned into apes the original, namely Kamandaka. Moderate daytime again transformed into apes. it is known only by the Goddess Ciptoroso.
Narrated later, Pule Discuss King of Nusa Kambangan want to marry Dewi Ciptoroso, and sent his kingdom to ask for her hand. If the desire was not granted he would destroy the Duchy Sand Luhur. On the advice of Javan Kasarung, Goddess Ciptoroso meet his father and said if he was willing to be the wife of King Pule Discuss the origin of the submission requirements will be met. One requirement is the Goddess Ciptoroso allowed to bring Javan Kasarung met at a wedding. Pule Discuss King immediately agreed.
Wedding ceremony occurred when the monkey Kasarung always disruptive, causing annoyance King Pule Discuss. Pule Discuss King hit him and both of them fighting. Nusakambangan king finally died, bitten by a monkey Kasarung. The death of the king to change the original intentions Javan Kasarung, namely Kamandaka. After describing its origin, Kamandaka Ciptoroso finally mated with the Goddess. The news finally reached the kingdom Pajajaran. Intention to make Kamandaka Siliwangi King as the king did not happen. Because abstinence for someone who has been exposed to the royal heirloom to be king Pajajaran Kujang Pamungkas. Finally Kamandaka or Many Clark became duke in the Sand Luhur, replacing father Ciptoroso Goddess. Many are being replaced Blabur siliwangi King became king in Pajajaran.
Springs or spring contained in Jatijajar cave believed to have certain properties, so sacred. Spring Water Jombor Puserbumi and reputedly can be used as a means to achieve certain purposes. Spring water is being Rose and kantil if to wash your face in addition to being young also are hoping to achieve what it wanted.
The trust that is spoken by generations of this entrenched at the heartstrings Kebumen and surrounding communities, sehigga on certain days according to the Javanese calendar is crowded with pilgrims place, especially at night.
Segments along the corridor cave 50 m from the entrance is a natural formation of an underground river activity in the past. Local, roof and walls of caves decorated with stalactites and Flowstone. Hole in the roof of the cave that penetrate to the surface (AVENT) function as natural ventilation, so the air inside the cave remains fresh. The passageway is further associated with an artificial cave, a former limestone mine.
Cave Dempok length not more than 100 m, and be unique because it is a combination of natural caves and artificial cave. Dempok name taken from a limestone mining land owners. remnants of the triumph of industrial calcium oxide in the past tobong immortalized in the form of burning limestone, not far from the entrance to Cave Dempok.
Cave Dempok length not more than 100 m, and be unique because it is a combination of natural caves and artificial cave. Dempok name taken from a limestone mining land owners. remnants of the triumph of industrial calcium oxide in the past tobong immortalized in the form of burning limestone, not far from the entrance to Cave Dempok.
Symptoms endokars fossil is a natural cave filled with ornaments that are still active. The hallways inside the Cave of Diamond in the trending north-south and east-west genesanya associated with dissolution along the cracks of existing structures.
A stalactite on the wall right of the entrance is covered by sediments of sand lempungan brownish red. Sediments contain fossil mollusks, so that its presence will uncover the history of cave formation. Terrestrial mollusks are animals that live around the cave. When rain water into the cave, the animals were transported into the cave together with sand and clay sediments. When flooding inundated entire cave passage, and a stalactite located 3 m from the bottom of the cave is covered by sediments. This fossil collection Plistosen-Resen-old, so the Diamond Cave has existed since at least 1 million years ago.
A large dome measuring 30 X 40 m and a maximum height of 20 m can be achieved by passing through a narrow hole as wide as 1 m. domed roof adorned by stalactites maximum size of 1 m. AVENT dome on the roof of a function as natural ventilation. A group which together with the stalagmite stalactite help pillars or columns as high as several feet beautiful. Ornaments cave in this section are generally still active.
To the right of the first room there is a second room is composed by limestone-lined, with a natural bridge that connects the right and left walls of the room. This bridge is a residual layer of limestone are soluble. Medium soft limestone layer at the base of the bridge has been largely depleted, eroded by underground streams that had been active in the past. The second room measuring 20 X 40 m and a height of 15 m ended in a narrow hole that is covered by sediments of the cave. small hollows in the roof of the cave filled with bats. The lack of ventilation in the room caused the air inside the cave a little hot and stuffy. Fermentation allows the formation of CO2 bat droppings and odors.
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