Rabu, 20 April 2011

Gudeg Is Typical Food Of Yogyakarta (Jogja)

News Session - For those of you who like culinary tours, of course, already familiar with typical food of Yogyakarta named Gudeg, here are 5 lists the most famous Gudeg in Yogyakarta (Jogja)

Gudeg Wijilan. As the name implies: Gudeg Wijilan, lokasnya is along Jalan Wijilan, Penembahan Village, Yogyakarta. Throughout this section there are dozens of vendors warm with a variety of characteristics: jogja-style sweet, slightly berkuah, etc.. Of the many sellers that there are some warm warm is much preferred and often look for food lovers, the warm Yu Djum.

Gudeg Toegoe. Toegoe warm, slightly different than the Gudeg Wijilan. Type of monument is a warm wet warm. Uniqueness Gudeg monument is that we can feel the food on the sidewalk with makeshift facilities and views and Toegoe malioboro roads at night. Gudeg Toegoe only open between 17.00 s / d 22:00 pm

Gudeg Permata. Named Gudeg jewel, because it opened in the back of the cinema gem, Jl. Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Type gudeg offered a warm wet (wetter than gudeg Toegoe)

Gudeg Ceker. As the name implies is offered with a combination of warm eggs, tempeh, tofu and claw presto. Claw meat was soft and tasty, so give other shades of warm rice. Its strategic location, namely in the south campus of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta makes this place very convenient to visit the family together at night. Gudeg Ceker opened between 17.00 s / d 21:00 pm

Gudeg Pawon. The uniqueness of this warm is the presentation done directly in her kitchen. Guests go directly to the kitchen to choose to eat what he wanted. They can still eat hidanganya in the kitchen, or taken out to the front porch of the house. Even this new shop is also open at midnight. Gudeg Pawon address at Jl. Janturan 36-38, Yogyakarta

If it feels incomplete to Yogyakarta have not tried the food Gudeg,
interested to try it out?
Monggo .........

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